
EPY+.UFI is the first of two modules for the management of new notifications

The form for the UFI code that follows the procedures set out in Annex VIII of the CLP

EPY+.UFI is the first of two modules for the management of new notifications in accordance with the procedures set out in Annex VIII of the CLP, which allow to notify the Poison Control Centres of any European Union Member State about the composition and the properties of hazardous preparations.


Article 45 of the CLP
Annex VIII of the CLP


• Automatic generation and association of UFI codes with products.
• Import of UFI code lists already assigned to products.
• Export of UFI code list already assigned to products.
• Export of list of products to be notified.
• Possibility of managing multiple UFI codes per product, in the case you want to distinguish a different UFI for each different code or trade name used.
• Possibility of blocking the UFI calculation for the modification of formulas until a settable date.
• Multi-company management (if multi-company module is active)

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