
PCN tips for a smart notification


One of the requirements for PCN notification is to disclose, at a minimum, between 70% and 90% of the composition by identifying the components of the mixture to be notified.

The components of the mixture, which can be substances and/or MIMs (i.e., mixtures in mixture), must be identified according to the appropriate methods required by Annex VIII of CLP, depending on the type of component.

For substances, for example, one of the following identifiers must be provided: CAS, EC, IUPAC name, INCI, or Color Index. For MIMs, it is necessary to identify all known components if the formula is 100% known; otherwise, the substances listed in section 3 of the supplier’s SDS, the UFI code (or the supplier’s details), and the classification of the MIM must be identified.

This step is crucial to creating a notification dossier that can pass the numerous validation rules imposed by the ECHA portal. However, companies often find it challenging to organize the required information and determine which components in their bill of materials require this step.

MIM List and Referenced Substances

For this reason, two displays have been added to the epyUFI-PCN module: “Referenced Substances” and “MIM List,” which allow users to quickly identify the substances and MIMs that need to be identified, meaning those missing at least one of the aforementioned identifiers.

Specifically, directly within the MIM List view, in addition to visualization, it is also possible to:

  1. Manage supplier records: first by importing a .csv file and then making any necessary modifications;
  2. Import supplier UFI codes and link them to the MIMs;
  3. Preview the notification dossier concerning the MIM section;
  4. Integrate all information (such as classification, technical function, and any alternative MIMs) directly from the panel and view the modification history. Additionally, with the RML module, the insertion of the MIM classification becomes automatic and instantaneous!

Once this component information is integrated, the dossier is automatically generated without any further user action required.

The MIM List and Referenced Substances, along with the previously discussed Mass updates (which you can read about here), can help significantly reduce the time and stress associated with managing the required data. Fortunately, these are not the only features available in our software.

Next appointments

In next week’s in-depth feature, you will discover another epyUFI-PCN tool that allows you to automatically submit PCN dossiers. This way, you won’t have to waste more time uploading documents to ECHA’s IUCLID service!

Also, if you would like to know more about the PCN dossier and how to avoid mistakes in your notifications, sign up to our next FREE webinar!