It is the fourth adjustment to the Regulation 1272/2008, which recognizes for the European market the novelties introduced on a global scale by the fourth edition of the GHS.A new classification for non-flammable aerosols and for chemically unstable gases has been established. The Regulation modifies several recommendations on caution to allocate to the different classes of danger, and stabilizes new exemptions for the labeling of little quantities of dangerous goods. Eventually, the supplementary indication of danger EUH006 was suppressed, explosive in contact or without contact with air, that until now corresponded to the phrase R6. The obligation of application will start on the1st December 2014 for substances , and on the 1st June 2015 for mixtures. It is any how applicable on a voluntary basis even before those dates.
It is the third adjustment to the Regulation 1272/2008, amending for the purposes of its adaptation to the technical and scientific progress the classification of 5 substances has been revised and made more restrictive and 11 new substances have been introduced to Att. VI.
It is the third adjustment to the Regulation 1272/2008, amending for the purposes of its adaptation to the technical and scientific progress the classification of 4 substances has been revised and made more restrictive; some criteria for the classification of substances were modified by applying new table and eventually modifications were also made to two pictograms.
Regulation (CE) 790/2009 of the Committee of 10th August 2009, amending for the purposes of its adaptation to technical and scientific progress, Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008.
It is the first adjustment of Regulation 1272/2008/CE, composed of 5 attachments:
- Attachment I: It contains the substances already present in the REACH Regulation, whose classification was revised and made more restrictive. Classification according to CLP: phrases H and pictograms.
- Attachment II: It contains new classified substances with H phrase and new danger pictograms.
- Attachment III: It contains the list of 10 substances that have been eliminated from the CLP Regulation.
- Attachment IV: It contains the same substances as in Attachment I, but according to the old sentences of classification R and S.
- Attachment V: It contains the same substances as in Attachment II, but with the old classification phrases R and S.
Regulation (CE) 1272/2008 of the European Council and Parliament of 16th December 2008, regarding Classification, Labeling and Packaging of substances and mixtures. The classification of substances is in Attachment IV, which is subdivided into two charts: 3.1 and 3.2. The chart 3.1 contains the classification and labeling of substances according to CLP: phrases H, phrases P and new danger pictograms. Whereas the chart 3.2 contains the corresponding classification and labeling according to Directive 67/548/CE: phrases R, phrases S and danger symbols.
In the CLP, new principles and tables for the classification of substances and mixtures are stated.
The classification according to CLP is expressed by means of:
- The indications of danger H,
- The advice of caution P;
- The new pictograms of danger, having a diamond- shaped form and a red outline, a white background and the inside symbol black;
- Notes
- Any additional indications of danger EUH.
Regarding the classification of substances, it is expected that as of the 1st December 2010, we must obligatorily apply the double classification: old legislation, (Directive 67/584/CEE) together with the new one ( Regulation 1272/2008/CEE). That is to say the substance will be classified by means of phrases H, P, EUH, notes and pictograms, but also phrases R, S, notes and orange square danger symbols with a black interior symbol, still until the 31st May 2015; or it could be classified through H, P, EUH sentences, notes pictograms, but also phrases R, S, notes and danger symbols, always until the 31st May 2015, on the condition that the label visible on the packaging must be to the exclusive awareness of CLP Regulation.
From 1st June 2015, it will be compulsory to classify and label danger substances and mixtures only according to CLP. This date will implicate the abrogation of Directive &//548/CEE and Directive 1999/45/CEE.
Application Terms and Deadlines:
• Classification DSD +CLP; CLP labelling
CLP classification and labelling compulsury
• DPD classification and labelling or
• double classification DPD+CLP – labelling CLP
1ST JUNE 2015
• Classification DSD +CLP; CLP labelling
• DPD classification and labelling or
• double classification DPD+CLP – labelling CLP
1ST JUNE 2015
CLP classification and labelling compulsury